Duffle Coat – Part III

Boy, I’ve had my nose to the grindstone all day today! I spent my birthday doing what I love most (aside from spending time with the people I love, of course!) – sewing. Last night I made a to-do list for today: draft/cut/construct/insert lining, hem sleeves, check length, stitch hem. Well, I finished everything except for the hem because I’d like to attach the toggles throug the outer layer only (at least I think that’s what I want to do). I haven’t made the toggles yet anyway so I decided to finish up tomorrow night. Here’s a peek at the lining. Because this fabric is quite thick and spongy I really needed some sort of back facing so I used the back yoke as a substitute. The pattern does have a back facing but I think the yoke gives it a much more professional look and gives some added body and support through the shoulder area.


Here’s a full view. Do you see what I mean about it being roomy yet slim? I fall more in love with this coat every time I try it on It even looks good over jammies!


There were some interesting comments/questions posted the last few days so I thought I’d address one of them now:

Marie: Do you baste pieces in order to get everything so exact? Your work is fantastic! Any suggestions or sources you would recommend for improving the details as you do? I very rarely thread-baste. Instead I might use a pin or two at crucial match points. I try to be very precise with my sewing. In the case of inset corners it is very important to match up the dots. With sewing, as with anything else, practice makes perfect. I always practice on scraps before I stitch on my actual garment. Also, do not be afraid to recut things such as collars and cuffs if they aren’t up to your standards (this is why I always buy extra fabric!).

Did you opt not to make a muslin and if so what was it on this pattern that told you that you would not have fitting issues? I almost never make a muslin (although I will for the leather jacket I’m making next)! Instead, I tissue-fit the pattern and then pin-fit the garment as I go. I also sometimes leave wide seam allowances at the side seams “just in case” so that I never have a fit disaster.

Several of you have asked for my “secret” to perfect inset corners. I don’t really have any secrets but I promise I will go over the steps in a future post. Louise Cutting shares her wonderful method (which is fabulous for lighter-weight fabrics) in her Threads DVDs so you might want to check them out as well.

Lastly, if you’ve enjoyed my Year of the Jacket and would like to join in the fun for 2011 please head over to Stitcher’s Guild. The goal is one jacket per month but the object really is to upgrade our wardrobes, improve our sewing skills and use up some of our yummy stash fabrics. Even if you don’t think you can finish twelve, please join in anyway!


Filed under Burda WOF, Year of the Jacket

9 responses to “Duffle Coat – Part III

  1. Rosie

    Happy Birthday! The jacket is truly wonderful. Winnie wants her own.

  2. Melissa

    Happy Birthday!!! Your coat is looking so awesome, now I must make that pattern up soon. I might join you for the year of the jackets, I sure could use a dozen to dress up my wardrobe.

  3. Happy birthday! (you’re just a day after me) Your coat looks amazing. Love the lining! One question – what kind of chain do you use for your hanger loop?
    One jacket a month, in theory, is doable, but…..

  4. It looks fantastic! I love the lining.

  5. This coat (like all your others) is absolutely stunning. Beautiful craftsmanship!!! And Happy Birthday.

  6. Happy Earthday, Gigi. I’ve been following your sewing adventures for years. Will you post a tutorial on how to make toggle buttons?

  7. Lala

    Gigi, that coat is beautiful. In the Burda picture, I would never have given it a second look. Now I want to dig out that issue and make one.

  8. Marla

    Amazingly nice work! This coat hangs wonderfully.

  9. I can’t believe how quickly you put this together. It is stunning.