Sequined skirt detour

Next weekend, we are attending my close friend’s son’s wedding in a local botanical garden. It could end up being chilly that evening so I was at a loss as to what to wear. I decided on a sequined skirt that could be worn either with an off-shoulder sweater or with a silk blouse.

I love glitter so I had a few sequined fabrics in my stash. I decided on this one – tiny silver sequins on a pleated tulle backing. The fabric has a bit of stretch due to the pleating so I made my life extra easy and chose the Northcote Skirt from StyleArc.

Stitching was, um, interesting. It serged well until I broke a needle. Then I broke a needle on my sewing machine and I thought I’d have to remove these tiny sequins from the seam allowances, ugh.

My last hope was a jeans needle and sewing very slowly and that did the trick! I did hit a couple of sequins but didn’t break a needle since I was sewing so slowly and was able to move the needle slightly and continue. I’m happy with the way this turned out.

I lined the skirt with a thin rayon jersey from my stash which will feel nice against my skin.

I am hanging the skirt overnight to allow the rayon jersey to stretch. Tomorrow, I will add a waistband and sew the hem.


Filed under StyleArc, Uncategorized

6 responses to “Sequined skirt detour

  1. Nancy Crome

    The fabric is lovely… and I love the simplicity of the pattern! Please post a photo that shows the whole skirt.

  2. Sally Ickes

    I love to follow your sewing journey.

  3. Anne Szabo

    So glad to see you back online posting your creations. I, too, would like to see the completed skirt. Also, which issue of knipmode had the pattern for your birthday skirt. I loved your completed project. Thank you in advance.

    • Hi Anne! I’m not sure which issue contained the pattern for my birthday skirt as I downloaded it from the website. It is style number 1511-04. One thing to keep in mind is that it has to be printed on A4 paper or the sizing will be off (ask me how I know that haha). I hope to get the sequined skirt hemmed tonight.

  4. sandra

    Did you ever finish the Burda 09/2016 #115 bomber jacket from October 2020? That jacket has impressed me so much and I have been waiting for your final result.

    • I did! I’m so sorry, I guess I got sidetracked and forgot to post the final pic. I’ve been jumping around between projects – which I really dislike! I will post a photo of the finished jacket.