Category Archives: Knipmode

Knipmode birthday skirt – Final

Well, I had to put in a few late nights but managed to finish my skirt a few hours before my birthday dinner. There is a small section of binding in the back that needs a little tweaking but I can take care of that after the mad holiday rush is over.

I am so happy with how this turned out! It is definitely a showstopper and sexy without being vulgar. I would love to make this again sometime in a more summery fabrication.

I apologize that I didn’t take more photos of the sewing process since I was in such a rush at the end. I honestly didn’t think I would finish!

Thanks for visiting and a Merry Christmas to those who celebrate. The baby is spending the night with us tonight so that she can spend Christmas Eve Day with us. Our meal will be simple this year since I don’t want to spend all day in the kitchen. Babies don’t keep, after all.


Filed under Knipmode

Knipmode birthday skirt – Part 3

I made excellent progress tonight. I was able to fine-tune the fit and stitch the Princess seams. Because I am pressed for time, I installed an invisible zipper (photo lightened to sow detail) on the left side instead of two shorter zips in both back Princess seams. I have very little curve between the waist and hip so I can get away with it although I don’t prefer it.

I am usually terrible at sewing under pressure but the sewing gods smiled upon me today – I did not have to do any reverse sewing! Tomorrow, I will re-pin the right side seam and do a final try on before closing up the last seam. Then, I will cut a lining and stitch the petersham waist stay. Thursday will be the big night as I’ll be cutting into my lace.

Thanks for visiting and stay tuned!


Filed under Knipmode

Knipmode birthday skirt – Part 2

Today, I finished taping together the 78 pages (!) of the pattern and fitting my muslin. My hips measure exactly a size 38 so I cut a size 40 thinking I’d have a bit extra for fitting but, yikes, I was barely able to squeeze into my muslin. I am wondering if the pattern is intended for stretch fabrics. I will have to check on that when I have time.

Once I worked out my fitting issues, I thread traced the seam lines on all of my pattern pieces. Sounds tedious but I find it rather therapeutic. The fabric is a beautiful wool crepe that’s been in my stash since the 1990s.

Tomorrow I plan on getting the main skirt put together and the zipper installed. Then I’ll get the flounce cut out to check the fit. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

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Filed under Knipmode

Knipmode birthday skirt

So, I am needing to take a break from the devoré sweatshirt (sadly, I have been too busy to finish it up!) to make a skirt for my birthday dinner at my favorite Italian restaurant next Saturday.

I recently purchased this stunning embroidered Swiss lace from my friend Ann at

And when I saw this Knipmode pattern, I immediately thought they would make a perfect match!

I will get the pattern taped together and make a quick muslin to check the fit today and, hopefully, get this cut out and started tomorrow . I have no time to make a top so I will just wear a black off the shoulder sweater with it.


Filed under Knipmode