Duffle Coat – Part I

There’s been a last-minute change of plans for the duffle coat. As I was fitting the vintage pattern yesterday, I realized that it was much more closely fitted than what I wanted. So, I have decided to make this little lovely from the 10/2009 issue of Burda Style (it’s #109) instead:



The pattern calls for doublecloth but I don’t have anything suitable on hand so I’ll be using plain black wool and lining the coat conventionally. So far I have sewn the welt pockets,


and attached the yokes, sleeves and body on one side (which is a bit time-consuming with all of those inset corners!). I lightened the photos a bit so you could see the details:




Filed under Burda WOF, Year of the Jacket

8 responses to “Duffle Coat – Part I

  1. Melissa

    Gosh you’re such a fast seamstress! I have always adored that pattern and wanted to make one for myself. Maybe I’ll finally get around to it thanks to your inspiration.

  2. This is going to be a lovely coat, I can just tell.

  3. cidell

    Hmmmm, I have a double cloth wool…. and I need a winter coat. But, heaven knows mine wouldn’t be nearly as delicious as yours. I will be following closely!

  4. BeckyW

    I really love that pattern. I bet those inset corner are a pain, but they do just make the coat.

  5. So is this the last coat of 2010 or the first one of 2011? Either way is going to be amazing!

  6. love the design feature with the inset corners – really cute. Does it get cold enough in Florida? I am glad, I get to see you sew this coat:)

  7. Rosie

    Another amazing coat!

  8. The pattern is really nice and the insets are interesting design details. Yours i looking great so far and so well made!